Who We Are?


Hey there, I’m Linda!  Growing up in the technology capital of the worldalso known as Silicon Valley⸺made me realize how disconnected I felt from the natural world.

That’s why in 2021, I made a life-changing decision to head to Hawaii. I immersed myself in gardening, homesteading, and living off the land. There, I learned how to build things with my own hands and gained a deep appreciation for nature. This experience transformed my worldview and ignited a burning desire to share my excitement for growing food, DIY projects, and connecting with the land.

image of linda and two dogs in front of a doghouse

Extraordinary Experiences

At Botanical Bible, my mission is to inspire and empower others to embrace the joys of gardening, self-sufficiency, and sustainable living. I believe in the power of nature to heal, nourish, and enrich our lives, and I’m committed to sharing my knowledge and passion with like-minded individuals.

What sets me apart is my genuine belief in the importance of connecting with the land, growing our own food, and building a more sustainable future. I offer practical resources, expert advice, and creative solutions to help you embark on your own journey towards gardening and self-sufficiency.

Our Core Values

My value proposition is simple: I provide you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to cultivate your own green paradise, improve your well-being, and live in harmony with nature. So, join me at Botanical Bible as we explore the wonders of gardening and self-sufficiency together.